Calculator Resources

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Calculator Forums
Calculator Discussion Groups

Calculator Forums and Discussion Groups are the places to discuss calculators and ask calculator questions.
There are two active calculator forums, with questions, answers, appeals for specific calculators and parts, and items offered for disposal.


Old Calculator Forum

The Google Group OldCalculatorForum is a calculator discussion group for the exchange of information about old calculators, both mechanical and electronic.

Visit the group at to read the messages, or join and become a member of the group to participate and receive emails of new messages.



Vintage Calculator Collectors United!

This is a Facebook group described as "A place where you can view and create posts about all things 'electronic hand-held or pocket calculators', from a time long gone".  This group can be found at  A very active group but you will need to join it to see what is there and to post messages and photographs & videos.

Vintage Calculators

Text & photographs copyright, except where stated otherwise, © Nigel Tout 2000-2024.